Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Joys of Velladom...

Ages and ages since i visited my corner on the web for an update. But then, popular demand has shaken me out of my inertia :-). So, yours truly is back with a vengeance. Expect a series of posts in the next few days!

The first and most omnipresent fact of life in the second year is the arrival of the first year students a.k.a. facchas a.k.a the lowest form of life on earth. Mind you, having gone through the grind myself I pity those who have the (mis)fortune to become PGP 1's at IIMA and know that the pathetic creature called a faccha metamorphoses magically over the summer training period to become a butterfly-like tuccha :-D.

Most of a tuccha's initial time after coming back from summers is taken by giving gyaan to the facchas, encouraging them with blood-curdling shouts of "Muggo facchon muggo" and making them yearn for tucchadom with idyllic songs such as .. "Aish karne walon toh aish hi karenge, PGP 1 saare mug mug marenge.." ;-).

But then, there is more to life than that... a tuccha's happiness just begins when he sees an over-enthusiastic faccha scurrying back to his dorm after a lighthing quick lunch to prepare for one of the seemingly endless array of quizzes in the first year. His life is also about movies, music, food and more importantly, friends! He socialises like never before and finds himself spending inordinate amounts of time in pure hedonism. "How can he spend so much time doing timepass?", one might wonder...

To start with, class preparation is quite different from the first year, where he had to mug all sorts of subjects - liked or disliked - because he needed to participate in class discussions. In the second year, he takes electives of his choice and prepares for class if he really thinks it fit... this frees up his time like nothing else. Moreover, it is more of a 'spiritual' liberation for the tuccha from the harassments of erstwhile facchadom. When freedom exists in spirit, time is but a relative concept :-))))).

Extracurricular activities also gain more importance and prominence and it is a major task to coordinate participation in various such activities. Basically, life in the second year is more balanced and eminently more enjoyable than the first year.

Sleep, however, is something that is often compromised... I guess I have mentioned something on sleep in another earlier entry. One of my friends has rather appropriately described sleep as Stress Level Elimination Exercise Plan :-)... couldn't agree with him more. Lack of sleep is a terrible thing after a while. I really wonder how many I-bankers manage to do with so little sleep in their lives ...

I have rather let myself go in this blog. I really don't wish the reader to get bored of my endless ranting on this I'll stop

Bloggin' off

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