Sunday, February 06, 2005

Bye Bye Winter

I feel so sad... just a few days after my post on wintry nights et al., I am forced to say goodbye to the wonderful Ahmedabad winter. The night temperatures really dipped a week back, but now they are rising again. I can no longer feel the rush of a cold breeze on my skin when I walk out in the open (and by the way, that does not mean that I have become numb, just that the temperatures have gone up :-)).

Well, It was good while it lasted. This is probably the best winter I have experienced ever. Pretty natural too, for one whose ideas of winter are as equatorial as it can get. For a person who has seen too much of the sun at its resplendent glory, this winter was pretty much near nirvana. My last winter was in Mumbai (when at work with the Taj Group). Pretty okay types winter we got there. The night air tended towards chilliness but nowhere near the sustained effect created by the Ahmedabad winter. Well, I guess all good things come to an end.

Talking about coming to the end, I think I am running out of ideas for this entry... have another entry lined up though.

So that's all for now.

1 comment:

Vishal Grover said...

Try out 'dilli ki sardi' and you'll never ask for winter again :-).