Monday, November 28, 2005

Confluence of emotions...

Confluence 2005 the event is over. Done. Finished. Khallas. Khatam...whatever.

For me, being involved in an event of this scale and complexity was a first. It has taught me many lessons, brought me closer to many people and probably taught me more about management than the entire first year course. It has been a great journey so far and for me, as financial controller of Confluence 2005, a lot more work remains. But as of now, it is time to celebrate.

Confluence 2005 has also caused a few reflections in the muddied pools of my mind and played with a wide basket of emotions. I plan to put them on blogosphere later. But the most important takeaway from the event, I feel has been the extent of pride I have taken in my job as head of Finances and the co-coordinator of Corporate communications. This I believe will stand me in good stead wherever I go and whatever I take up.

Lesson for me: "Take pride in excellence and you will go a long way towards achieving it"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo! Buddy! Ranga, U guys did a gud job @ Conflu