Sunday, November 06, 2005

Heaven is green in colour - Part III

This time round, my journey was well provided for in terms of home food. So was Kela's. Mothers are so optimistic about their children's eating capabilities! As a result, we knew that we did not have to worry about food till we reached Ahmedabad, a day and a half later.

Our train was supposed to start from Shoranur at 10.15 pm or so. Wonder of wonders, it managed to start from the station at 10.30! My first surprise came from knowing that a couple of our batchmates were also travelling in the same coach. The next day, I also came to know that the train was choc-a-bloc with my Mallu batchmates. Still, we sojourners in AS1 stuck together like glue for the rest of the journey.

As expected, there was no significant activity till next morning and yours truly had a dreamy night, filled with banana leaves, floating teacups and oddly enough, cell phones. The four of us got up next morning and decided we would pass time by playing cards. Now, I suck at card games but gamely decided to give them a try, for want of a better way of spending group time. Soon I realised that my self awareness was 100% accurate, as I kept dropping count of the cards that had done the rounds. Some memory trick is desperately needed, I think.

My concentration on the game in hand was no way helped by the stunning scenery that was on show through the window. Often, I used to let my jaw drop at the greenery outside and lost the trend even more easily. It was highly exasperating for my fellow players, but I could not help it. I was like a man in the desert who had just sighted an oasis. This was literally true in my case, with Trichy experiencing a tough couple of years monsoon-wise. The greenery was nothing new for my Mallu friends, but then, a fish doesn't know the value of water unless it is actually out of it!

It was quite early in the morning when we entered Goa and halted at a station called Madgaon. Very quaint location. I could see a few old buildings and a church as well on the other side. Goa is famous for its multitude of churches and I could see some of that famous charm in this one's architecture too. The best part about the trip was that we were travelling through some parts of the country that were pretty much devoid of even a remotely urban settlement. All we saw on our way were thatched / tiled roofs glistening wet in the drizzle that was our constant companion throughout.

1 comment:

Vivek Singh said...

Seems you have been captivated by your travel experience...why don't you post some more pics?